In this game mode, players are invited to go to the Harran Stadium location and test their strength in a series of challenges. Being the third addition to Season Pass 2015 (the second one is a set of pre-order blueprints and skins called Ultimate Survivor Bundle), The Bozak Horde adds a brand-new game mode playable in single-player and co-op. The Bozak Horde is the second paid expansion released on. Being the first addition to Season Pass 2015, Cuisine & Cargo adds to the game two new quarantine zones: Holy Year Tunnel and Three Moons Restaurant.

The season pass includes 3/4 of the major expansions as well as some extra goodies, it is also the only way to unlock the Punk Queen and Wrench Kiss.Ĭuisine & Cargo is the first and smallest paid expansion released on 10 February 2015.

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